Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Place of Lithuanian partisan fighting and death (Marčiukonių village)

The struggle for freedom

In this hiding-bunker, dab. In Teizai eldership, Lazdijai district, on 28 December 1951, 5 partisans of Mindaugas homeland of Šainūnas district of Šainūnas district of Dainava district were killed in the battle with the surrounding unit of the Chekist army of the NKVD: Vytautas Juozas Saliklis-Eimutis, str. 1930 (1927?) M. Staidaru, dab. Lazdijai district, Juozas Bražinskas-Kūkalis, st. Ežerėliai village, dab. Lazdijai district, Juozas Petruškevičius-Passenger, st. 1924 Staidarų village, Feliksas Stepulevičius-Vikruolis, st. 1928 (1930?) M. Laibagaliai village, now Lazdijai district, Romualdas Talandis-Svajūnas, st. 1933 Giraitėlių village, now Lazdijai d. Note: In the year of rebirth, the relatives of the partisans, their comrades, built a cross next to the bunker of the former hideout: a metal, shield-shaped plate with the sign of the Vytis cross and the inscription: “HERE LIVED IN LITHUANIA / / STEPULEVIČIUS FELIKS / BRAŽINSKAS JUOZAS / TALANDIS ROMUALDAS “(Appendices 1, 4)



