Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Educational programs of the public library of Lazdijai district municipality in Lazdijai

We are glad that we can contribute to the implementation of the Culture Passport and invite you to choose the educations provided by the Lazdijai Public Library:

"Shakar Makar" theater book tab
The service is provided on Seinų st. 1, Lazdiju
Intended for 1, 2, 3, 4, preschool classes.
The price is €3.00
More information by e-mail Mr. [email protected] , tel. +370 618 63630

Shorter days and longer evenings invite you to open a book more and more often. Reading books develops imagination, adds to the basket of knowledge, while reading books you will always have topics to discuss with others, so reading books is very important. It's great to see so many young readers making friends with the characters in the books they read. We at the "Shakar Makar" theater want to become your friends and make a book tab together with you. Children let their imaginations run wild creating book tabs using the origami technique. At the beginning of the lesson, the children are explained what the origami technique is. Children's imaginations are then stimulated by reading aloud: librarians disguised as book characters read selected passages from fairy tales to children. Then they each get a piece of paper and make themselves a book tab. With the help of gouache, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, shape the tab by drawing on it what you want or perhaps saw in your imagination while the librarians were reading fairy tales. Even the smallest children can make this tab. We have no doubt that when children put a wonderful tab in the book and open it, the first thing they will do is smile, remember the books they read, emotions and be very happy.
Schedule of classes and registration >


Miriorama - unleashing the imagination in a book
The service is provided on Seinų st. 1, Lazdiju
Intended for 1, 2, 3, 4, preschool classes.
The price is €5.00
More information by e-mail Mr. [email protected] , tel. +370 618 63630

Miriorama is a panorama in a special box with a handle, like a prototype of an old television. Those who subscribe to the program can choose the theme of the activity: "My favorite hero", "Waiting for Christmas", "The most wonderful book", "Holiday book" and others. Children will be greeted by personalized book heroes. The essence of the program is a different reading of the book, that is, after reading the book, the participants discuss it together with the characters, draw on a roll of paper the converging images of the read book, the characters.
Class schedule and registration >

"Ornament customization in (3D) printing creative workshops"
The service is provided on Seinų st. 1 Lazdijai city
Intended for grades 7-9.
The price is €5.00
More information by e-mail Mr. [email protected] , tel. +370 612 21529

The education is intended for schoolchildren to familiarize themselves with Dzūki ornaments, their meaning and possibilities of use, and the Tinkercad modeling program. Students will learn how to create an individual and unique book tab or other object.
Class schedule and registration More >

Cultural passport programs held in the breeding grounds:

Education of the old craft of bookbinding - I make a book (e-mail: [email protected] , phone: +370 618 74901)

Service organizer Lazdijai district municipal public library, [email protected] , +370 683 07207, 8 318 51943


Lazdijai city

